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Placement Test - TECCO

Test d’évaluation des connaissances et compétences en optométrie (TECCO)

Useful information

  1. The TECCO consists of 300 multiple-choice questions reviewing the full scope of optometric practice in Quebec.
  2. It is generally required in cases of partial equivalence of training.
  3. When the Admission Committee intends to recommend a brigding program and must determine the exact level of knowledge and skills in optometry, completion of TECCO is generally required.
  4. TECCO is not usually required for graduates and optometrists in Canada and the United States, nor for graduates from France who have completed a Master 2 at the School of Optometry at the University of Montreal.

Date, place and cost of TECCO

  • TECCO is offered at the end of September each year.
  • It is offered in the premises of the School of Optometry of the University of Montreal (located in Montreal).
  • The cost is $ 2500.

Objectives and limitations of TECCO

TECCO is a test that aims to:

  • First, to contribute to a rigorous and objective evaluation of the training equivalence of a candidate by the Ordre des optométristes du Québec;
  • Then, when a candidate is recognized by the Ordre a partial equivalency and a bridging program is required, to assure a fair selection of candidates who will have access to this program, based on the number of places limited to the École d'optométrie de l'Université de Montréal (hereinafter EOUM).

It is important to understand that in no case can the success of TECCO or the recognition by the Ordre of a partial equivalence guarantee a candidate obtaining a place for further training at the ÉOUM, or ultimately obtaining a license to practice optometry.

The allocation of places is done in order to ensure fairness between the candidates, considering the results of the TECCO and other factors that may be related to the availability of resources at the ÉOUM.

More information on the TECCO

  • TECCO is only available in French.
  • This is a written assessment tool designed to determine the level of optometric knowledge and skills of a candidate trained outside of North America.
  • The TECCO is composed of multiple-choice questions covering the full scope of optometry in Quebec.
  • Results are not provided on the basis of failure or success, but instead provide a profile of the strengths and weaknesses of the candidate for the entire scope of practice of optometry. The results are then used to determine the accessibility to the brdging program offered by the ÉOUM.
  • Based on the results obtained, the candidate who will obtain a sufficient level of knowledge in optometry will be suggested or not a personalized brigding program at the ÉOUM, following a decision of the Ordre des optométristes du Québec.

Preparations for TECCO

TECCO is designed to establish a profile of your knowledge and skills in optometry, whether theoretical or practical.

The following information is sent to candidates who are invited to complete it:

  1. A list of relevant books and other references.
  2. The structure of the TECCO.
  3. Examples of questions.
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